Improving care and post care support

Improving care and post care support

In care, children and young people will have the supports they need to enjoy their childhood, feel safe and cared for, and develop into adulthood.

Who we work with

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Data tables

Table 1. Children in out-of-home care with a placement type of residential care service, by age (in years) and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status, Queensland Excel (XLSX, 23 KB) | CSV (CSV, 10 KB)
Table 2. Children in out-of-home care with a placement type of residential care service, by region and Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status, Queensland Excel (XLSX, 18 KB) | CSV (CSV, 6 KB)
Table 3. Children aged 10-17 years in out-of-home care, with a placement type of residential care service who were subject to a child protection order and a supervised youth justice order, by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander status, Queensland Excel (XLSX, 14 KB) | CSV (CSV, 4 KB)