Child protection framework

Family support and child protection framework

Child protection framework

Child Safety is dedicated to protecting children and young people who have been harmed, or are at risk of harm.

Queensland Family Support And Child Protection System

Child protection framework phases

Intake (concerns received) phase


The aim of intake is to determine the most appropriate response to concerns received about harm or risk of harm to a child.

Child protection concerns received from the community are assessed to determine whether a child concern report or a notification is recorded by the department.

Where the concerns are to be recorded as a child concern report, and it is assessed that the family may benefit from additional family support, a referral can be made with the consent of the family to either Family and Child Connect, a Family Wellbeing Service or an Intensive Family Support service.

Investigation and assessment phase

The aim of the department’s investigation and assessment phase is to determine whether a child is in need of protection and ongoing departmental intervention is required.

The child and their family are visited, information is gathered from them and other sources, and an assessment of the child's immediate safety and risk of future harm is made.

Where a child is assessed as not in need of protection, and the family may benefit from additional family support, a referral can be made with the consent of the family to family support services.

Ongoing support phase


The aim of ongoing support phase is to reduce the likelihood of a child experiencing future abuse.

Ongoing support is required for a child in need of protection. A case plan with intervention goals and actions is developed to meet the child's protection and care needs.

Ongoing support also includes permanency planning, this is to ensure that a child experiences continuity of care and transitions successfully into adulthood.

There are three permanency options for a child:

  • safely reunifying the child with their family,
  • long-term care until the age of 18, or
  • adoption.