Population data

Demographics and other data

Population demographics

Population demographics is the breakdown of the population into measurable, quantifiable statistical categories such as age and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status.

The risk of child abuse and neglect is influenced by a range of factors, and is often associated with family circumstances such as substance abuse and domestic and family violence.

A successful child protection system must be wide ranging and responsive to the diverse needs of communities. Demographic information helps form a picture of the location of a community, their access to services, family characteristics, and the number of people living there.

When combined with information about the children, young people and families in the child protection system, demographic information helps to target services and responses to address the particular needs of communities across Queensland.

Estimated resident population

  • Estimated resident population (ERP) is the official measure of the population of Queensland and Australia.  The data are based on the concept of usual residence and refers to all people who usually live in Australia, with the exception of foreign diplomatic personnel and their families.  It includes usual residents who are overseas for less than 12 months and excludes overseas visitors who are in Australia for less than 12 months.
  • Following the 2021 Census the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) rebased and revised its final total resident population estimates for all areas of geography across Australia. These changes have impacted on the size of both the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and the non-Indigenous estimated resident populations within Queensland and its regions.
  • As a result, the estimated resident population (ERP) tables have been revised for all reference periods using these rebased population estimates sourced from the Queensland Government Statistician’s Office (QGSO).  The size, structure and components of these estimates supersede those previously published by the ABS (2011 Census based).


Estimated resident population, by age groups and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, QueenslandExcel (XLSX, 15 KB) Excel(CSV, 2 KB)
Estimated resident population, by region and age groups, QueenslandExcel (XLSX, 16 KB) Excel(CSV, 2 KB)